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Everything You Need To Know About Digital Adoption

about digital adoption

There is so much valuable information on the internet about digital adoption

I guess that makes sense, since digital adoption wouldn’t exist without the internet. 

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Enterprises can find case studies and histories of other companies that have successfully implemented a digital adoption strategy as a part of their digital transformation. There are endless tools, tips, and methodologies to follow.

But with all this information available, it can be a little difficult to know where to begin. In this article, we’re going to get back to basics: these are the things you need to know about digital adoption.

If you want your company to thrive in the digital age, keep reading…

A true definition of digital adoption

First, let’s begin with the truest definition of digital adoption available, which was laid down by leading digital adoption solutions provider, WalkMe.

“Digital adoption means achieving a state in which users gain the ability to use digital tools as they are intended and to the fullest extent.” 

As far as internal operations’ digital transformation is concerned, digital adoption is when every employee in the company is efficient, enabled, and enhanced by their digital tools. 

Implementing the digital adoption part of the equation is key to having a successful digital transformation. 

When each employee’s efforts are maximized by their digital tools, the organization overall benefits. It becomes more innovative, more productive, and more profitable.

When employees achieve true digital adoption, they unlock advanced processes to learn new and innovative ways to conduct business and improve their primary job functions. 

Its expansive impact includes:

  • Adoption and implementation of new software or technology
  • Adoption of digital workflows or processes
  • Adoption of a digital culture or mindset
  • Organizational changes that occur as part of this transformation 

The importance of digital adoption for today’s enterprises cannot be overstated. 

The key thing to remember about digital adoption is that it’s so much more than usage. A focus on digital adoption can streamline workflows, allowing employees to become more effective in their jobs. 

It also allows employees to accomplish more with their time, making overall company production increase. 

What organization doesn’t want to reduce costs while simultaneously increasing productivity and profits?

Successful digital adoption can lead to automated business processes, decreasing human error and optimizing work time. Plus, increased employee satisfaction will always benefit everyone in and outside the company.

About digital adoption vs. digital transformation

Businesses are definitely showing their commitment to digital transformation by spending more and more on digital tools and services. But few are yet to find a suitable digital adoption solution (DAS). 

Digital transformation is something that organizations must consistently go through. It’s a process of constant research and development, and replacing legacy and traditional systems with more advanced digital alternatives. 

It also encompasses the transformation of a company operating traditional business models, to contemporary digital ones.

It’s about using technology effectively to improve processes, customer experiences, and employee interactions. It encapsulates a company’s efforts to reach digital maturity

The one thing an organization does not want to fall prey to is “Digital Darwinism” as a result of failing to adapt to the constant evolution of digital technology. 

People mistakenly talk about digital adoption when they mean digital transformation and vice versa — when they’re actually different (but related) concepts. 

Digital adoption comes about when the company’s digital tools become digital assets by being used to their fullest capabilities. If they are not, then digital transformation cannot succeed.

Digital Adoption Platform: a solution for winning enterprises            

The two goals every company should aim for in the digital age are: 

  • to have their employees put out the highest quality work possible; and 
  • for their customers to have such an enjoyable experience using the company’s goods or services, they keep returning. 

A Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) or Digital Adoption Solution (DAS) helps companies to excel at these two critical goals.

For enterprises proactively wanting learn about digital adoption, this is the best piece of advice we can give: utilize a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP).

The DAP improves the user experience for employees using digital tools by providing in-app guidance, suggestions, and training. 

The DAP can also automate repetitive and/or data entry tasks for employees, speeding up their digital interactions and processes. 

Canadian research shows that employees learn faster and more effectively when using “smart learning systems” like the DAP, as opposed to using class-based learning models. The ROI for enterprises will therefore be greater as well.

Here is another interesting statistic: According to Forbes, 68% of clients would pay more if they had a great experience with that company. 

Not only does a Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) improve the user experience of digital tools for employees, it can also streamline the experience for customers. 

If your organization has a customer-facing app, website, or digital tool (in today’s world, what organization doesn’t?), the DAP can dramatically improve your customers’ interactions with it.


This article has discussed three fundamental ideas that companies need to know about digital adoption. 

With these three things in mind, successful digital transformation becomes much simpler for enterprises. 

Learn about digital adoption and understand its place in making digital transformation happen. Then understand how a DAP or DAS is instrumental in rapid and successful digital adoption. 

Once you’ve grasped these digital adoption basics, you should have no problems moving forward in the digital age. 

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Digital Adoption Team

A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.