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The Intense Digital Adoption Platform Impact On Enterprises & Large Multinational Corporations

Digital Adoption Platform Impact

With the pace of technological advancement today, it’s impossible for corporates to keep up.

New technologies are being created and brought to market every day. First responder organizations — the innovative forward-thinkers of the pack — are rolling out new tools, software, and systems to make their businesses more competitive.

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But the users are getting left behind.

We are now living and working in a world where new technology is being introduced quicker than people can learn how to use it.

In short, we have an adoption problem. And this is a major issue in today’s enterprises and multinational corporations, where traditional training methods are laborious and costly.

Then along came WalkMe, who pioneered a new tool — the DAP (Digital Adoption Platform). And since then, the Digital Adoption Platform impact on global business has been huge.

The business need and impact

The major issue enterprises are having with the pace of technological innovation is that employees are struggling to learn to use new applications and software quickly enough. There is always a dip in productivity during the learning curve.

Nor is it feasible for enterprises to provide employees with the personalized training they need on an individual scale.

This is where the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) comes in.

The DAP is an algorithmic layer that integrates with other installed applications or web tools. It provides guidance to users as they’re using and learning to navigate the application or software.

When it comes to new technology, time and money matter. The sooner employees are able to use new tools effectively, the quicker they will become productive and the better ROI the organization will get.

Technology is designed to enable, improve, and/or accelerate human efforts. But when the technology itself becomes a barrier to productivity, a huge amount of money has been wasted.

We live and work in the digital age. The pace is fast and change is inevitable. It’s important that employees (and customers, for that matter) adopt digital innovations as quickly as possible in order for businesses to enjoy their benefits.

This is at the very heart of today’s Digital Adoption Platform impact.

Digital Adoption Platform impact: 4 major benefits of using the DAP

1. Employee onboarding

New hires are important. Huge investment has gone into getting them in the door, so they need to be looked after from day one to avoid them heading elsewhere.

The DAP can help new employees learn the ins and outs of enterprise systems and tools quickly and in a personalized manner.

This means employees can feel engaged, useful, and valued, fast. They will feel comfortable and confident quickly, and motivated to put their skills and creativity to good use.  

2. Employee training

The DAP can also be used for further training and change awareness. When there’s a system change, notifying a workforce of thousands is as easy as a workflow within the DAP.

The most powerful Digital Adoption Platform impact on employee training is in regards to the “forgetting curve”.

Ebbinghaus first created the forgetting curve, which outlines the speed at which we forget information after being told it.

(source: Growth Engineering)

Employees forget an extraordinary 80% of what they learn with traditional training methods. But with the DAP, they don’t need to remember information. It’s all there when they need it, accessible through contextual prompts.

In a nutshell, the DAP learns what the user needs instead of the user having to learn what the system needs.

3. Money saving

Not only does the DAP ensure better ROI from new technology, it also saves enterprises money.

Because the DAP eliminates the learning curve, enterprises save the money that would have been lost during the the productivity decline associated with it.

They also save money on updating training materials, deploying traditional classroom training in multiple countries and all the additional costs this brings. Perhaps the greatest Digital Adoption Platform impact is its cost-effectiveness.

4. Time saving

With real-time, in app training, the DAP saves a huge amount of time.

Approximately 50 hours per employee is spent annually in training. Ask yourself how many employees work at your organization and you’ll see that it soon adds up. And that’s not counting the time it takes to produce training materials and plan the events.

The only time really needed to spent on the DAP is during the initial setup. With a simple drag and drop interface, it’s easy for anyone to do — no need to understand coding or development.

Final thoughts

Learning new enterprise software may not be rocket science. But learning how to use new systems and apps quickly and to their fullest potential to drive maximum ROI? Now that actually is quite challenging.

But not with the DAP.

This is why the Digital Adoption Platform impact on the enterprise world is so huge right now.

It encourages employee independence, increases productivity, saves money and time — having a tangible positive effective at all levels of the business. Don’t you want to be a part of that?

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Digital Adoption Team

A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.