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Digital Adoption vs. Innovation: A Modern Synonym

Digital Adoption vs. Innovation

For the past few years, technology implementation by enterprises has gathered serious momentum. So much so that digital adoption vs. innovation are virtually synonymous.

As the SaaS market grows, providing more and more new solutions for companies’ daily struggles, this trend will continue to skyrocket.

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According to IDC, 2019-2022 will see spendings in IT industries reaching $7 trillion. On the other hand, no matter how much new technology your enterprise integrates, or how innovative it is, it’s only beneficial if it’s fully adopted by users.

Digital adoption occurs when users are utilizing technologies exactly as they were meant to be used, and to the fullest extent.

Successful digital adoption allows the user to go beyond basic knowledge and functions, exploring advanced features that lead to more creative and/or effective solutions.

In order to better understand why global enterprises continue to invest such astronomical sums into technology integration, we will review some examples from the past.

The following cases are real examples of how innovative technologies became game-changers for entire industries after their successful adoption.

Digital adoption vs. innovation: 3 game-changing developments

1. Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

Based on a survey published by Deloitte, 53% of companies are already practising RPA implementation; by 2020, that number should reach 72%.

Robotic Process Automation emulates human interactions with digital tools. It’s the process of programming AI to imitate human work using action algorithms.

With such technology, enterprises are reducing the amount of routine workload of their employees, giving them the ability to focus on more creative and/or client-oriented tasks.

For instance, you can entrust AI with admin tasks like finding data and filling it into forms. It can also gather leads for sales teams by searching for potential customers with similar buying patterns to existing customers.

AI can conduct media buying and create reports on behalf of employees. When it comes to digital adoption vs. innovation, it doesn’t get more important than RPA for enterprises.

2. The digital workspace

From a very specific innovation to something more broad, let’s look now at the digital workspace.

Digital began to intervene with companies’ daily lives since the first computer was introduced. VMWare claims that what we see within enterprises today is a culmination of business mobility trends that began as individually-oriented solutions and have since evolved into game-changers for entire industries.

“A digital workspace is the ability to work anywhere at any time, with a fully flexible end-user experience that can be tailored in a matter of minutes for greatly reduced costs.”

EUC Insights 2017 Attendee

Digital workspaces give companies the ability to free their workers from confines of their desks. Employees can manage and complete tasks from their laptop, smartphone, or even their watch.

Thanks to the vast array of modern digital tools, people can now easily operate and share information, track deals, and clients from anywhere — saving tons of time in the process.

However, in order for the digital workspace to impact the enterprise in a positive way, it has to be a well-organized, smooth-running mechanism.

All tools should be synchronized; data transfers need to be secured to prevent losses and leaks. In addition, the employees themselves need to master these accelerators.

This is why, as far as digital adoption vs. innovation goes, the Digital Adoption Platform is saving enterprises millions in training time and costs.

The Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) helps companies to achieve digital workspace “Zen”. A software guidance layer, it ensures that technology adoption is not only rapid but long-lasting.

3. Adaptive security

Nowadays, heists with gunfights and getaway chases are usually only seen in the movies; today’s biggest robbery nightmare for enterprises is a cyber attack.

Such an unfortunate event may result in loss of money but also important information about the company or clients.

According to a report on cybersecurity published by Accenture, the number of cyber attacks increased by 67% over the past five years.

Such a horrific trend has forced companies to focus on their digital security. This is where adaptive security stepped into the limelight.

This innovative solution is based on real-time threat analysis and can monitor all network structures of a company for anomalies, vulnerabilities, and malicious activities simultaneously.

While the old methods could take up to 60 days to investigate and repair the damage, these new adaptive security features help you take preventive measures and eliminate threats before or right when they happen.

To sum up

Digital adoption vs. innovation: both are as crucial for enterprises as food is for humankind.

Besides providing an ability to stay competitive and modern, innovation brings solutions to your company’s daily struggles. Some of these solutions can help your employees with their daily workload and others can reinforce your company’s defence.

The biggest value in innovation, however, is in the way it enables businesses to move forwards and progress towards long-term success. Clever enterprises should never cease to innovate, even though technology integration isn’t always an easy path.

But remember, just as there is technology to strengthen your data security, there is technology to facilitate your organization’s digital adoption. The DAP is the greatest innovation in the world of technology adoption, so don’t be afraid to use it.

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Digital Adoption Team

A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.