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Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ)

Updated: July 18, 2024

What is Configure, Price, Quote (CPQ)?

CPQ, short for Configure, Price, Quote, is software that helps companies create customized products, set prices with discounts, and generate customer quotes. It integrates with CRM and ERP systems to ensure accurate pricing and quotes.

CPQ automates these tasks, reducing errors and speeding up the sales process. It’s especially useful for businesses selling customizable products. CPQ enables sales teams to quickly answer customer inquiries, shorten sales cycles, and improve efficiency. 

With CPQ, companies can respond promptly to customer needs, create detailed proposals, and streamline their sales operations effectively. This technology is crucial in enhancing the customer experience and boosting sales performance by simplifying complex pricing and configuration tasks.

Why is CPQ important?

CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) is crucial for businesses because it streamlines the sales process by automating the configuration of complex products, accurate pricing, and quote generation. By integrating with CRM and ERP systems, CPQ ensures consistency and accuracy in pricing and quoting, which reduces errors and enhances efficiency.

According to a Cincom report, using a CPQ solution increases the average deal size from $211,000 to $432,000.

CPQ significantly impacts business operations by speeding up the sales cycle and enabling sales teams to respond faster to customer inquiries with tailored quotes. This efficiency not only improves customer satisfaction but also boosts overall sales performance. 

CPQ also uses data analytics to provide valuable insights into pricing strategies and customer preferences, empowering decision-makers to make informed choices that align with market demands and competitive dynamics.

CPQ transforms how businesses manage their sales operations, making them more agile, responsive, and competitive.

What are the goals of CPQ?

Integrating ERP systems is pivotal for organizations aiming to streamline operations and enhance productivity through digital adoption.

Business objectives

  • Revenue growth: Drive revenue by using business process optimization and leveraging ERP insights.
  • Cost reduction: Minimize operational costs through streamlined processes and automation.
  • Market competitiveness: Enhance market position by improving product delivery and customer service.

Operational goals

  • ERP implementation: Integrate ERP modules to automate inventory management.
  • Reporting standardization: Implement consistent reporting practices across departments.
  • Employee training: Train staff to effectively utilize ERP functionalities for enhanced productivity.

Strategic aims

  • Innovation leadership: Position the organization as a leader in ERP-driven innovation.
  • Scalability and flexibility: Achieve scalability to support business growth and adaptability.
  • Continuous improvement: Foster a culture of innovation and constant improvement through ERP solutions.

Who are the key people involved in CPQ?

CPQ initiatives in digital transformation involve various stakeholders, both internal and external, who play critical roles in the implementation and success of the project.

Internal Stakeholders:

  • Sales team: Responsible for utilizing CPQ tools to generate accurate quotes and proposals.
  • Product management: Provides product configurations and pricing guidelines for CPQ systems.
  • IT department: Manages the technical implementation and integration of CPQ software.
  • Finance department: Ensures pricing accuracy and compliance with financial guidelines.
  • Executive management: Provides strategic oversight and supports CPQ implementation goals.

External Stakeholders:

  • Customers: Interact with CPQ-generated quotes and configurations during the buying process.
  • Partners and suppliers: Collaborate on product configurations and pricing within the CPQ system.
  • CPQ vendors: Provide software solutions, support, and updates for effective CPQ implementation.
  • Consultants: Offer expertise in CPQ implementation, customization, and optimization services.

What is required for success with CPQ?

Implementing CPQ requires focusing on key areas critical to maximizing organizational effectiveness and impact.

Efficient process integration

Streamline integration of CPQ with existing CRM and ERP systems. Automate workflows to reduce manual entry and ensure data accuracy. Standardize processes across sales, finance, and product management teams for seamless collaboration.

Comprehensive training and support

Provide comprehensive training on CPQ tools and functionalities for all stakeholders. Offer ongoing support to address user queries and optimize system usage. Foster a culture of continuous learning and skill development to maximize CPQ adoption.

Data-driven decision making

Utilize CPQ’s analytics and reporting capabilities to gain insights into sales performance and pricing strategies. Implement data-driven pricing models based on market trends and customer behavior. Regularly review and refine CPQ processes based on data analytics to improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Why do CPQ projects fail?

Understanding the challenges and obstacles often leading to failure in CPQ projects or processes is crucial for organizations aiming to navigate complexities and achieve successful outcomes.

Lack of stakeholder alignment

Failure to align stakeholders’ expectations and goals with the CPQ project objectives can lead to conflicting priorities and resistance to change. Without unified support, decision-making becomes fragmented, hindering project progress.

Insufficient resources and budget constraints

Inadequate resource allocation, including financial, human, and technological resources, can severely impact the implementation and execution of CPQ  initiatives. Limited budgets may restrict access to necessary tools or expertise, compromising project quality and timelines.

Resistance to change and cultural barriers

Organizational resistance to change and cultural barriers can impede the adoption of the CPQ project. Employees may resist new processes or technologies due to fear of job displacement, unfamiliarity, or perceived threats to established norms and practices.

CPQ use cases

CPQ solutions play pivotal roles across various business scenarios, optimizing sales processes and enhancing customer interactions. Here are three examples of how CPQ can manifest in different business contexts:

Sales proposal generation

Scenario: A manufacturing company receives requests for customized industrial machinery from global clients.

Method: The sales team utilizes CPQ software to configure complex machinery specifications, calculate accurate pricing based on materials, labor costs, and shipping expenses, and generate detailed proposals quickly.

Outcome: The company delivers personalized proposals that meet client specifications promptly, leading to increased customer satisfaction and higher conversion rates. CPQ streamlines the quoting process, ensuring pricing precision and reducing proposal generation errors.

Subscription-based services

Scenario: A telecommunications company offers customizable service packages for enterprise clients.

Method: Using CPQ tools, the sales team configures service bundles tailored to client needs, including network bandwidth, security features, and support services. CPQ automates pricing based on contract terms, service levels, and additional options clients choose.

Outcome: The telecom company accelerates sales cycles, improves contract accuracy, and enhances client retention through transparent and flexible service offerings. CPQ enables seamless customization and pricing agility, efficiently meeting diverse client requirements.

Complex pricing structures in healthcare

Scenario: A healthcare equipment supplier manages contracts and pricing for medical devices and service agreements.

Method: CPQ software integrates with CRM systems to streamline the pricing of equipment configurations, service plans, and maintenance contracts based on regulatory requirements and client-specific needs.

Outcome: The supplier achieves compliance with healthcare regulations, optimizes revenue streams through accurate pricing, and enhances customer satisfaction by providing transparent pricing options. CPQ ensures consistency in contract management and improves operational efficiency in pricing complex healthcare solutions.

People also ask

Is CPQ a CRM? 

CPQ (Configure, Price, Quote) is not a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. Instead, CPQ software focuses specifically on configuring complex products or services, pricing them based on various factors, and generating accurate customer quotes.

What is an example of a CPQ in Salesforce? 

An example of CPQ in Salesforce is the Salesforce CPQ module. It allows businesses to automate and streamline their quoting process by configuring products, defining pricing rules, generating quotes, and managing contracts directly within the Salesforce platform. This helps sales teams create accurate quotes quickly, ensure pricing consistency, and improve sales efficiency.