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Digital Workflow

Updated: July 18, 2024

What is a digital workflow?

A digital workflow leverages technology to digitize business processes and transform operations. It substitutes the need for manual work with automated business processes.

At the crux of this system is workflow management software. This software manages tasks based on set rules, directing them to the right people at the right time.

Automation alleviates the strain on productivity. Now, repetitive and mundane tasks like data entry and sending notifications can be automated. This saves time and allows employees to focus on more high-value tasks.

Digital workflows are highly mutable. They can be tailored to meet the needs of different departments, such as finance, human resources, and operations. This makes them accessible and user-friendly.

Advanced workflows may also use artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) to improve efficiency and make more targeted decisions.

Digital workflows represent core changes in business management. They automate tasks, centralize data, enhance team collaboration, and make operations more agile and efficient.

Why is a digital workflow important?

The need to modernize corporate processes, ongoing tech adoption across industries, and the COVID-19 pandemic increased digital workflows.

Grand View Research revealed that the global workflow management system market was valued at USD 9,540.0 million in 2022. The market is projected to register a CAGR of 33.3% between 2023 and 2030.

On a macro level, digital workflows seamlessly integrate various systems and platforms. This helps facilitate a unified and coherent operational structure. This integration is critical as businesses increasingly rely on diverse software and technologies. Digital workflows turn siloed departments and technology into collaboration hubs of organizational agility.

From a high-value standpoint, digital workflows provide comprehensive data visibility and traceability. These are essential components for precise decision-making. These solutions allow for real-time data capture and analytics, allowing leaders to form actionable strategies. This capability is vital for anticipating market trends and outpacing competitors.

Digital workflows ensure compliance and governance. Automated processes adhere strictly to regulatory requirements, reducing non-compliance risk and associated penalties. This is particularly crucial in industries with stringent regulatory laws.

Digital workflows indicate a move towards digital transformation. Configuring workflows can provide a strategic path towards achieving efficiency, agility, and a future-ready status.

What are the objectives of digital workflows?

Digital workflows are a core aspect of reimagined business operations through digital transformation.

These methodologies effectively align technology with business strategy across critical dimensions: business objectives, operational efficiency, and strategic advancement.

Business objectives

  • Enhanced efficiency and productivity: Digital workflows strategically target high-impact areas within organizations, strengthening operational efficiency, accuracy, and productivity. Introducing new workflows simplifies operations and allocates resources to high-value initiatives.
  • Improved routing and tracking: Clear routing and tracking mechanisms minimize errors, ensuring seamless workflow management and reducing delays or bottlenecks.

Operational goals

  • Streamlined processes: Digital workflows smooth processes and enhance visibility across the organization, reducing costs and errors while ensuring regulatory compliance.
  • Integration of systems: Digitizing manual procedures and integrating disparate systems enhances organizational agility, supporting future growth and resilience in fluctuating markets.

Strategic aims

  • Facilitating innovation: Digital workflows facilitate innovation and enable organizations to capitalize on new market opportunities.
  • Supporting scalable operations: They support scalable operations, facilitating seamless expansion into new markets and industries.
  • Cultural transformation: Digitized workflows nurture a culture of continuous improvement and innovation, positioning businesses to anticipate market trends and meet evolving customer expectations.

Who’s involved in digital workflows?

Digital transformation involving digital workflows engages various internal and external stakeholders crucial to its success.

Internal Stakeholders

  • IT department: Responsible for implementing and maintaining digital workflow systems, ensuring they align with overall IT infrastructure and security protocols.
  • Operations managers: Oversee the integration of digital workflows into daily operations, optimizing processes for efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Human resources: Ensures digital workflows support employee training and development, enhancing workforce capabilities and engagement.
  • Finance department: Manages budgeting and financial implications of digital workflow adoption, ensuring cost-effectiveness and return on investment.
  • Executive leadership: Provides strategic direction and champions organizational digital transformation initiatives.

External stakeholders

  • Technology vendors: Provide digital workflow platforms, software solutions, and support services tailored to organizational needs.
  • Consultants and advisors: Offer expertise in digital transformation strategies and implementation, guiding organizations through the process.
  • Regulatory bodies: Establish guidelines and regulations that digital workflows must adhere to, ensuring compliance and risk management.
  • Customers and partners: Benefit from improved services and interactions facilitated by digital workflows, influencing product development and service delivery strategies.

What is required for digital workflow success?

To achieve success with digital workflows in an organization, focusing on three critical areas is essential:

Robust infrastructure and integration

It is crucial to establish a robust IT infrastructure that supports seamless integration of digital workflow systems. This ensures compatibility and interoperability between existing systems and new digital workflow solutions. Implementing secure and scalable cloud-based storage and data management platforms further supports workflow automation and data accessibility.

Strategic alignment and adoption

Aligning digital workflows with organizational goals and objectives ensures they contribute directly to business outcomes. Comprehensive training and change management strategies are essential for fostering a culture of digital adoption and transformation across all levels of the organization. Engaging key stakeholders and leadership to gain buy-in and support for digital workflow initiatives ensures commitment to long-term success.

Continuous improvement and innovation

Implementing mechanisms for continuous monitoring, evaluation, and optimization of digital workflows enhances efficiency and effectiveness. Nurturing a culture of innovation that encourages experimentation and adaptation of digital workflow processes is critical. Leveraging analytics and data-driven insights to identify opportunities for further automation and enhancement of workflow efficiencies completes the continuous improvement and innovation cycle.

Why do digital workflows fail?

Understanding the distinct factors contributing to the failure of digital workflows in organizations is essential for mitigating risks and achieving successful implementation:

Neglecting user-centric design principles

Digital workflows can fail when organizations neglect user-centric design principles. Without involving end-users in the design and testing phases, workflows may not effectively address user needs and preferences. This oversight can lead to low adoption rates, frustration among employees, and, ultimately, the abandonment of the digital workflow solution.

Lack of executive sponsorship and leadership buy-in

Another common reason for digital workflow failures is the absence of strong executive sponsorship and leadership buy-in. When senior management does not champion the implementation or allocate sufficient resources and support, initiatives may lack momentum and struggle to gain traction across the organization. Digital workflows may fail to achieve organizational alignment and strategic goals without clear leadership guidance and advocacy.

Insufficient monitoring 

Digital workflows often fail due to a lack of ongoing monitoring. Once implemented, workflows should be regularly monitored for performance metrics, user feedback, and alignment with evolving business needs. Without proactive adjustments and refinements based on real-time data and insights, workflows can become outdated and fail to deliver the anticipated benefits.

Digital workflow use cases

Digital workflows revolutionize traditional business processes by leveraging technology to streamline operations, enhance efficiency, and improve overall productivity. These examples illustrate how digital workflows manifest in various business scenarios:

Customer onboarding in financial services


In financial services, digital workflows automate and optimize the customer onboarding process. Customers can submit applications electronically through integrated digital platforms, routed through predefined approval processes. Automated document verification and electronic signatures expedite onboarding, reducing turnaround times from weeks to days.


Digital workflow platforms integrate with customer relationship management (CRM) systems and document management software. Automated triggers and notifications ensure timely follow-ups and approvals.


Improved customer satisfaction with faster onboarding times and reduced paperwork. Enhanced compliance with regulatory requirements through standardized processes and centralized documentation management.

Manufacturing supply chain management


Digital workflows streamline supply chain management in manufacturing by digitizing inventory tracking and procurement processes. Real-time data analytics and automated reorder points trigger supply replenishments, minimizing stockouts and optimizing inventory levels. Collaborative digital platforms enable seamless communication between suppliers, manufacturers, and distributors, enhancing supply chain visibility and responsiveness.


Implementation of enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems integrated with IoT devices and cloud-based inventory management software. Automated workflows for order processing, invoicing, and shipment tracking.


Reduced inventory holding costs and improved supply chain efficiency. Enhanced agility to respond to market demand fluctuations and mitigate supply chain disruptions.

Healthcare patient care coordination


Digital workflows facilitate patient care coordination across multidisciplinary teams and healthcare facilities. Electronic health records (EHRs) and digital communication tools enable healthcare providers to collaborate on treatment plans, share patient information securely, and monitor patient progress in real-time. 


Integration of EHR systems with telemedicine platforms and secure messaging applications. Automated workflows for patient admissions, discharge planning, and follow-up care coordination.


Enhanced patient outcomes with coordinated and personalized care delivery. Improved operational efficiency with reduced administrative burden and optimized resource allocation.

People also asked

What are the basic components of a digital workflow? 

The basic components of a digital workflow typically include digital inputs (such as data or content), processing tools (software or applications), automation features (like task scheduling or notifications), and digital outputs (final products or reports).

What are the steps of a digital workflow? 

A digital workflow generally involves capturing or generating digital data, processing or manipulating it using digital tools or software, automating repetitive tasks or approvals, collaborating and sharing within digital platforms, and producing final digital outputs or results.

Digital workflow vs. traditional workflow 

Digital workflows differ from traditional workflows by leveraging digital tools and technologies to streamline processes, reduce manual effort, enhance collaboration across remote teams, and accelerate the pace of work.

Unlike traditional workflows that rely on physical documents or in-person interactions, digital workflows prioritize efficiency, scalability, and integration with modern digital ecosystems.