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What Is a Hyperautomation Platform?

Hyperautomation platform

What is a hyperautomation platform?

For that matter, what is hyperautomation and how does it differ from automation, intelligent automation, robotic process automation (RPA), and other types of automation?

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In this guide, we will look at hyperautomation platforms, their benefits, and how they are set to change the business world.

What Is a Hyperautomation Platform?

Hyperautomation refers to a combination of technologies and techniques, such as AI and RPA, designed to automate manual workflows and even complex business processes that require human judgment.

A hyperautomation platform is a software platform designed to enable AI-driven automation within the business.

For years, top research firms and consultancy’s have identified hyperautomation as being one of the top strategic technology trends.

According to many experts, hyperautomation will become essential to staying competitive in the years ahead.

Given the benefits of automation and hyperautomation, this prediction shouldn’t be surprising. One common question that arises when discussing hyperautomation, however, is around the difference between “standard” automation and hyperautomation. This question, in turn, leads to questions about the advantages of one versus the other.

Hyperautomation vs. Automation

Automation is a general term that refers to the use of machines to perform tasks normally done by humans.

Hyperautomation, on the other hand:

  • Uses AI and machine learning (ML) to identify processes that can be automated
  • Automates processes that span vertically and horizontally across the organization
  • Integrates multiple different types of automation
  • Results in the increased automation of cognitive processes

Some even used terms such as “intelligent” to describe automation techniques that tackle cognitive activities.

The real question for many should focus on how hyperautomation will impact the organization and the future of work.

Hyperautomation Exponentially Accelerates Productivity 

Hyperautomation includes the word “hyper” for a reason – this type of automation exponentially increases productivity wherever it is applied.

Machines operate at speeds multiple orders of magnitude greater than humans do, which can result in performance gains that vastly outstrip the performance of humans. 

If, for example, it takes humans several hours or days or even longer to complete a task, an automation platform can perform the same task in significantly less time – often hours, minutes, or seconds. The time frame will naturally depend on the task in question, but such major gains are typical for many types of tasks.

This implies several things:

  • Automation platforms can free up human time for more valuable activities, such as strategic tasks
  • Organizations can spend less money on human labor and instead invest in automation tools
  • Companies leveraging automation can act and react more quickly
  • Increased efficiency, speed, and organizational agility can free up resources which can then be used to drive innovation

Ultimately, benefits such as these can result in major competitive advantages. More importantly, as mentioned, many research firms and consultants these believe that the advantages offered by hyperautomation are so great that they will create a gap between those who do and don’t adopt this technology.

The Future of Automation and Hyperautomation

The use of automation and hyperautomation has been increasing for years and it will continue to increase. 

Eventually, hyperautomation platforms will become normal – but what does that mean for the workplace, operating models, and business structures? 

Will humans be out of work? 

Or will we work harmoniously alongside machines?

Predictions vary somewhat, but they do share the same themes. Here are some of the most common:

  • Automation will absorb low-skilled jobs, such as administrative positions
  • The increased need for automation tools will increase demand for technically skilled IT staff
  • The “automated enterprise” will become the norm
  • Tasks that have traditionally required human judgment, such as strategic decision-making, will increasingly involve the use of advanced automation platforms, such as hyperautomation platforms

The impact of automation on jobs remains to be seen. Although it will result in a shift in the composition of the current job market, it is difficult to say whether or not the net impact will be negative or positive.

Either way, organizations should begin to prepare now.

Preparing for the Age of Hyperautomation

Some organizations have suggested that humans and machines will work alongside one another. Although this may seem like an exaggeration, the evidence presented so far makes it clear that the future of work will be heavily automated.

Every organization should therefore be ready for this age of automation.

To prepare, organizations should:

  • Adopt leading automation and hyperautomation platforms, such as digital adoption platforms (DAPs)
  • Become more digitally mature
  • Invest in other emerging technologies that work in concert with hyperautomation platforms, such as AI, ML, and IoT
  • Understand the technology trends that will define tomorrow’s business landscape
  • Develop forward-thinking strategies designed to leverage those technologies to
  • Build a digital culture that prioritizes the use of technology
  • Embed technology into the organization at every level, from the organizational strategy to the day-to-day workflows of frontline employees

In short, organizations should become digital-first companies that use technology to spearhead their strategies, innovate, increase efficiency, and enhance customer value.

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