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Why Digital Adoption Experts Can’t Remember Life Without This 1 Awesome Tool

Digital Adoption Experts

If Steve Jobs or Richard Branson gave you the secret to their success in business, would you use it?

Of course you would. It’s not a trick question. They’re experts in how to run successful billion/trillion dollar companies.

digital transformation ebook for download

But they didn’t succeed alone. We guarantee you, there are digital adoption experts standing beside them, advising them how to implement a tech-forward approach within their business.

And if you’re smart, you’ll see the value of hiring digital adoption experts within your enterprise too.   

Why enterprises need digital adoption experts

As digital technologies continue to penetrate the business world at pace, enterprises need to take a strategic approach to digital adoption.

Introducing new tech is not the same as it being adopted, says Raphael Sweary, president of WalkMe. “[Digitization] efforts are in vain if your employees don’t adequately engage and adopt these technologies.”  

“What’s clear is that providing a great digital employee experience leads to a better customer experience, particularly for roles such as contact centers, or other customer-facing jobs.”

Adoption is not the same as tech roll-out, that’s for certain. And be careful also not to confuse it with usage.

Manish Dudharejia explains that digital adoption refers to “achieving a state in which people reach the capability to use digital tools to their fullest extent.”

Employee logins and other usage numbers don’t constitute successful adoption. Digital tools are fully adopted when they become digital assets.

Dudharejia places adoption at the very top of any enterprise leader’s goals if digital transformation is going to be a priority.

“There cannot be digital transformation in any industry without leaders who have mastered the ins and outs of digital adoption and are able to help others do the same.”

Philip Kushmaro warns business leaders of the “countless stories of organizations spending millions on shiny new platforms…only to see their investments wither and waste away from lack of use.”

“A lack of digital adoption…can result in thousands and potentially millions of dollars lost in the long term.”

Be warned: poor digital adoption doesn’t just mean frustrated employees. It also means an unhealthy bottom line.

Why digital adoption experts are loving the Digital Adoption Platform (DAP)

What is the DAP?

A Digital Adoption Platform makes technology implementation easy. An algorithmic layer, it can be applied to any digital platform or system.

As users attempt to navigate their way around the digital system, the DAP provides guidance right when they need it. Using machine learning, the DAP understands user behavior and can provide helpful suggestions and even autocomplete tasks.

Instead of having to learn to use new digital platforms, users are guided and assisted by the DAP. It completely negates the need for expensive and inefficient traditional training methods.  

Enterprises that swear by the DAP

I think we can all agree that Amazon is a digitally-forward company. But they also realize that digital transformation is an ongoing process. As such, they still prioritize digital adoption and use a DAP to replace traditional training methods.

“We are implementing innovative solutions, such as WalkMe[‘s Digital Adoption Platform], in place of traditional learning methods and e-learning modules.”

Jared Garrett, Senior Instructional Designer

PayPal uses the DAP to train their sales staff. Jose M. Arroyo, Sr. Administrator, explains why:

“WalkMe[‘s DAP] allows our Sales Operations team the ability to deliver the right training at precisely the right time. What used to take Sales Operations a 15-30 minute training, can be accomplished with a 2-minute walk-through.”

For enterprises offering digital products to customers, rapid digital adoption is an absolute must. It’s essential that your digital products and platforms are adopted quickly in order to improve the customer experience (CX).

ParentMail uses the DAP to make their own product more approachable to customers. Geoff Jones, Marketing Director, explains why it’s a critical component of their customer care strategy:

“Our users tell us that ParentMail is much more user friendly, and that navigating the system is quick and painless. WalkMe[‘s digital adoption tool] gave us a way to seamlessly transition our users to the new system, without the need for extensive customer support.”

Final words

So you see why enterprises need digital adoption experts. Because they understand that a user-focused approach to technology implementation is crucial, whether your users are employees or customers.

They also realize the value in using technology to approach a technology challenge: using a DAP takes the stress out of digital change, for CIOs, HR leaders, and the users themselves.

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Digital Adoption Team

A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.