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3 Awesome Digital Adoption Platform & Data Driven Transformation Solutions

Digital Adoption Platform & Data Driven

For many traditional enterprises, digital seems to be the problem.

But it’s also the solution.

digital transformation ebook for download

In this article, we’ll look at some Digital Adoption Platform & data driven tools to transform your enterprise and bring it into the future.

Common digital transformation issues

There are always issues where enterprise technology is involved.

Employee resistance to digital transformation

Employees often resist digital change that involves new tools and/or work processes because it means they have to learn new things — which equates to additional workload.

Meetings, training, and unfamiliar work situations reduces employee productivity, even though technology implementation is actually designed to improve it.

Change upsets employee routine and harmony, which can have a ruinous effect on motivation and morale. Change managers must look to Digital Adoption Platform & data driven solutions to overcome these challenges.

Resistance and employee frustration is often caused by “a usability gap,” where employees find it difficult to use the digital assets and tools they’ve been given, because of their unfamiliarity and unoptimized user experience. (Virtual Strategy Magazine)

Disconnect between implementation and successful adoption

“Digital adoption demands strategy and meticulous implementation to succeed.”

Techno FAQ

There’s more to successful digital adoption than mere implementation of technology. Training is required to bridge the usability gap and get users up to speed.

There are huge costs associated with traditional training methods. It’s a labor-intensive process and particularly challenging for enterprises with a global workforce.

Then there’s the Ebbinghaus “forgetting curve,” which shows us that most training is forgotten soon after it’s received anyway. So, when it comes to learning digital systems, a Digital Adoption Platform & data driven, innovative approach is necessary.

The alternative is an overburdened helpdesk or support center.

For learning to be sticky, user productivity to improve, and technology ROI to be achieved, adoption needs to be swift, with personalized training in real-time.

Rapid pace of digital vs. slow pace of enterprise

90% of users stop using an application within 30 days of installation on average. Many of these users do so because they fail to realise the value of these applications.”

Information Age

When users take too long to adopt digital systems, the technology’s benefits are not being felt by the enterprise.

In the race to modernize and digitally transform, enterprises have spent millions on new technology. But the adoption process has been so slow, the technology has been a financial burden rather than an asset to the bottom line.

Oftentimes, this is because users aren’t fully aware of the benefits and features of the technology. They don’t realize how to use it to its fullest effect.

Similarly, when new functionality is added, there’s a change awareness program needed to communicate the update to users.

This also takes time. In fact, the average pace of enterprise processes just isn’t fast enough to keep up with digital progress. But there are Digital Adoption Platform & data driven solutions out there that can help.

3 Digital Adoption Platform & data driven solutions for transformation

1. WalkMe’s DAP

WalkMe’s Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) facilitates rapid user adoption of digital tools, thereby enabling digital transformation. DAP software:

  • Improves and accelerates the onboarding and training process for digital tools
  • Facilitates smooth and successful digital change management
  • Encourages digital transformation, plus improved productivity and innovation

Using AI, advanced automation, and machine learning, WalkMe transforms the user experience (UX) of digital tools.

Platform agnostic, the DAP can adapt to any new piece of software or custom-built system.

WalkMe pioneered the DAP and created the digital adoption category, which is now recognized in business and technology circles everywhere.

2. TensorFlow

TensorFlow was developed by Google researchers. An open-source machine learning framework, it’s able to automate queries, offering responses to common customer questions in an instant. This frees up the customer service team to field more difficult interactions.

“We are sincerely surprised with the results and very happy, because on the path to digital transformation, boring, manual and repetitive business processes today can be performed automatically thanks to AI.”

Cristian Rennella, CTO,

3. Agile software development

Agile is a software development methodology. It’s based on the idea that needs and solutions evolve through collaboration between self-organizing, cross-functional teams and their end user(s).

It supports adaptive planning, evolutionary development, empirical research, and ongoing improvement, encouraging flexible and rapid response to change.

It’s an ideal and an approach that traditional enterprises need to adopt today in order to be successful at digital transformation.

When the Agile concept was born, “agile” was simply an adjective to describe the ideal way to develop software, focusing on time-efficiency and issue-resolution. However, since then, it has become a recognized system in its own right.

Final words

Digital transformation is seen by many enterprises as the enemy. But the irony is that these sorts of Digital Adoption Platform & data driven solutions can actually help enterprises to modernize and move towards a digital-first approach.

Find what works for you, move swiftly, and move forward.

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