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Digital literacy

Updated: July 18, 2024

What is digital literacy?

Digital literacy means being able to use digital devices like computers and smartphones well. It includes finding, understanding, using, and sharing information online.

Basic skills include using the internet and apps. Advanced skills involve data lifecycle management and working well with others online.

Digital literacy helps people distinguish good information from bad information and understand how to act responsibly on the Internet.

These skills are important today and help people in work, school, and daily life. For example, a recent study reveals that 92% of jobs in the US labor market require digital skills.

Why is digital literacy important?

Digital literacy is important because it helps people use computers and the internet well. Finding information, talking with others online, and doing work are needed.

Digital literacy is key to business efficiency and decision-making. Without it, businesses might struggle to keep up in today’s digital world. Understanding the digital world helps companies know what customers want, which is important for making smart choices and staying ahead.

In short, digital literacy is crucial for people to succeed in the modern world and for businesses to succeed online.

For example, the economic benefits of providing digital skills to individuals in the UK between 2023 and 2030 would equate to £12.4 million by 2030. The benefits calculated include time savings, healthcare cost savings, and earnings and employment benefits.

What are the objectives of digital literacy?

Digital literacy helps businesses in many ways. It speeds up and improves work, allowing companies to stay ahead in the market and save money.

It also helps teams collaborate easily and use information to make smart decisions.

Overall, it encourages new ideas, helps adapt to changes, and makes customers happy by offering better services.

Let’s look at the business objectives, operational goals, and strategic aims.

Business Objectives

  • Efficiency: Enhanced digital literacy accelerates business operations, optimizing productivity and output quality.
  • Competitiveness: A robust digital skillset positions companies as frontrunners in the market, fostering innovation and differentiation.
  • Cost Reduction: Proficiency in digital tools streamlines processes, yielding cost savings through enhanced efficiency and resource utilization.

Operational Goals

  • Seamless Integration: Digital literacy facilitates the smooth adoption of new tools and technologies, promoting seamless workflow integration.
  • Data Utilization: Proficient data utilization enables informed decision-making, leveraging insights for strategic planning and business optimization.
  • Collaboration: Digital skills empower teams to collaborate effectively, facilitating communication and cooperation across geographies.

Strategic Aims

  • Innovation: Cultivating digital literacy fosters a culture of innovation, inspiring creativity and driving continuous improvement.
  • Adaptability: Proficiency in digital skills enables organizations to adapt swiftly to technological advancements and evolving business landscapes.
  • Customer Experience: Elevated digital capabilities enhance customer satisfaction by delivering superior services and personalized experiences.

Who’s involved in digital literacy?

Several groups are involved in making a digital literacy project happen within a workplace.

Internal and external stakeholders participate in the project. They are focused on helping the workforce become more experienced in digital literacy.

Let’s take a closer look at who is involved.

Internal stakeholders

  • Employee: Learn and use digital skills and give feedback.
  • Managers: Help employees learn and monitor progress.
  • IT department: Set up digital tools, help with technical issues, and keep data safe.

External stakeholders

  • Technology providers: Offer tools, training, and support.
  • Training providers: Teach digital skills and provide ongoing help.
  • Consultants: Advise on digital plans and best practices.

What is required for digital literacy success?

Digital literacy projects in the workplace can easily fail.

It is important to ensure employees have the right training, understand why digital literacy is important, and have good systems in place. This will place companies on the path to success.

Here’s a more in-depth look at the factors that make digital literacy projects successful.

Technical skills and training

Providing regular training for employees to enhance their digital skills is essential. Teaching them how to use digital tools and platforms effectively is important. Regular assessments of employees’ digital skills should be conducted, followed by offering tailored learning programs based on their needs.

Culture of digital adoption

It is crucial to support digital adoption and demonstrate its importance through action. Encourage a culture that values learning and experimentation and ensure employees feel safe exploring new technologies without fear of failure. Promote teamwork and knowledge-sharing among staff to nurture a collaborative environment.

Strong digital infrastructure

Investing in up-to-date and reliable technology, including software, hardware, and networks, is vital. Strong cybersecurity measures must be implemented to protect information and build trust in digital systems. Utilize compatible digital tools and systems that work well together to ensure smooth workflows across departments.

Why do digital literacy projects fail?

We have examined what digital literacy projects need to succeed. It is equally important to be aware of the obstacles that could lead to failure.

Factors include a lack of support from senior colleagues, not having the right resources, or struggling to persuade employees to participate.

These can all cause a project to fall apart. Let’s take a closer look:

Lack of Leadership Support

When leaders do not back the project, insufficient resources are allocated, and employees remain uninterested because they do not understand the importance of digital literacy. This lack of support also leads to employees fearing mistakes and hesitating to use new tools.

Insufficient Training and Resources

Training sessions are infrequent, overly basic, or not tailored to varying skill levels. Employees lack the necessary tools, resources, and support to succeed. Additionally, outdated technology makes adopting and using new digital tools difficult.

Inadequate Planning and Strategy

Projects often lack clear goals and a structured plan. Stakeholders do not regularly monitor progress, rendering projects ineffective. Due to poor planning and strategy execution, employees struggle to find enough time to learn new digital skills.

Digital literacy use cases

Digital literacy is important for businesses. For example, a marketing manager might analyze customer data to improve marketing.

A software team uses tools like Slack and Asana to collaborate, even if they are remote or hybrid workers.

At a bank, employees learn to recognize fake emails and create strong passwords to keep information safe.

Understanding how digital literacy is used in the workplace can be challenging, so let’s examine these examples in more detail.

Data-driven decision making


A marketing manager at a retail company wants to understand how their customers behave on the brand website.


They get information from analytics tools and e-commerce platforms. Understanding the data allows them to find patterns and learn what customers prefer. 


Using a data-driven approach allows the manager to target advertising better. This results in more customers responding to the campaigns and more sales.

Efficient remote collaboration


A project team at a software development company wants to work together on projects using digital tools.


Team members share files using Microsoft SharePoint, message each other, and have video meetings using Slack. They can also manage project timelines using Asana, a project management tool.


The team can communicate with little effort, see updates as they happen, and complete projects easily despite not being in the same location.

Cybersecurity awareness and practices


An employee at a financial services firm wants to improve cybersecurity awareness.


They show their digital literacy in several ways. They recognize a phishing attack, create strong passwords, and use two-factor authentication to log in.


Because the employees have been attentive, they protect important information. They also stop any attacks that hackers could make.

People also asked

What are the four C’s of digital literacy?

  1. Cognitive: This encompasses critical thinking and problem-solving skills in digital contexts. For example, discerning fake news from reliable reports by analyzing the source, cross-referencing information, and understanding the context.
  2. Constructive: Refers to the ability to create meaningful digital content. This could involve writing a blog post, collecting information from various sources, producing an instructional video, or designing a website for a small business.
  3. Communicative: Involves effectively using digital tools to communicate and collaborate. This includes writing professional emails, participating in video conferences, using collaborative tools like Google Docs, and engaging with others on social media in a respectful and productive manner.
  4. Cultural: Understanding and respecting digital etiquette and the cultural context of online interactions. This involves knowing how to maintain privacy, recognizing cyberbullying, adhering to social platform community guidelines, and understanding digital communication’s global nature.

What are the different types of digital literacy?

  • Information literacy: The ability to locate, evaluate, and use information effectively. This includes understanding how to access academic databases, discern the quality of sources, and properly cite information in research.
  • Media literacy: The skill to critically analyze media content. For example, evaluating a news article’s bias, understanding the influence of advertisements, and recognizing the purpose behind media messages.
  • Cybersecurity literacy: Knowledge of online safety practices. This involves setting strong passwords, recognizing phishing emails, using two-factor authentication, and understanding the importance of data encryption.
  • Technical literacy: Proficiency with digital tools and software. This can range from basic skills like using word processors and spreadsheets to advanced skills such as coding, using graphic design software, or managing cloud services.
  • Social Media literacy: The ability to navigate social media platforms responsibly. This includes creating engaging content, understanding platform algorithms, managing online reputation, and constructively engaging with others.
  • Data literacy: The ability to interpret, analyze, and make decisions based on data. This includes understanding data visualization, using data analysis tools, and applying data insights to real-world problems, such as business strategy or public policy.