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Digital Transformation Consulting: Do You Need It?

digital transformation consulting

Do you need digital transformation consulting?

To make tangible progress, expertise is a pre-requisite.

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The right consultants can help you modernize your IT function, get better results from existing technology, and more.

Below, we’ll look at digital transformation consulting inside and out:

  • What consulting firms do
  • The pros and cons of consulting
  • And other ways to enable digital transformation, beyond consulting

Let’s start with a quick overview of this field.

Why Investment in Digital Transformation Is Skyrocketing

Digital transformation is a relatively new field, but a very important one.

Today, the entire marketplace is digital, which means that:

  • Digital technology drives business changes in virtually every sector
  • Technology grants unfair competitive advantages to early adopters
  • Companies who don’t evolve lose market share … or worse

Investments in digital transformation are soaring, producing massive gains for adopters.

The Digital Transformation Initiative estimates that digitalization could deliver around $100 trillion in value over the next decade.

What You Get with Digital Transformation Consultations

Different firms offer different solutions to different audiences.

Some firms work with enterprises and others with SMBs.

Specialists offer targeted products and services.

Big-picture digital consulting firms help businesses from the ground up.

This category probably applies to companies with small IT departments that are lower on the digital maturity scale.

These firms assist with every aspect of digital transformation, including:

Specialist providers help with specific pieces of the digital transformation puzzle, such as:

And so on.

For businesses that are feeling the pressure to modernize, digitalize, and stay competitive, consulting is an excellent option.

However, below we’ll look at other ways to transform your business.

Pros and Cons of Digital Transformation Consulting

As with any consulting project, digital transformation consulting has its upsides and its downsides.

The benefits to outside consulting include:

  • The ability to leverage third-party knowledge on demand
  • Customized, outsourced problem solving
  • Ongoing support from a cross-disciplinary group of experts

To name a few.

However, there are some considerations before hiring consultants.

Ask yourself questions such as these before setting up your first meeting:

What are my short- and long-term objectives? In many cases, it is difficult to define goals too specifically. After all, if you knew everything you needed to do, consultants would be unnecessary. However, the more specific you can be, the easier it will be to pick the right provider.

What is driving our decision to transform? The answer to this question will help you define the first question. Possible answers include growth opportunities, marketplace pressure, and improved business processes, to name a few. This answer can also help you decide on the right consultancy, or solution, for your situation.

Why is this consultancy qualified? Look at the makeup of their team, their services, their products, and their objectives. Do they offer generalized digital growth solutions? Or do they focus on narrow specialties, such as automation?

What is their track record? Reputation, of course, should be another deciding factor. Look at the company’s client list, read testimonials, and consider speaking with past clients. It is critical to find a firm that has a good history, will provide top-quality services, and still be around in the next few years.

These types of questions can help you weed out inappropriate or unqualified candidates.

They can also help you decide if consulting is even the right choice for you.

Final Thoughts: Beyond Consulting

Consulting is not always the right option … or the only option.

Here are a few others to consider:

Hire in-house experts. In-house positions such as digital adoption managers can help bridge the gap between organizational strategy, technology, and people. Evaluate your organization’s digital maturity – find weaknesses in your digital capabilities and strategy, then fill those as needed.

Send workers to digital transformation school. Given the prevalence of digital transformation, it’s no surprise that some outlets now offer training in this field. Accenture, for instance, runs its own “Digital Transformation Academy.” Its curriculum offers digitally-centered training in a variety of areas, including analytics, finance, intelligent supply chain management, and more.

Integrate IT with the rest of the business. Your IT function should become more integrated with the rest of the organization’s strategy. It should no longer be a “back office” or secondary function. The CIO, or your head of IT, should work with other business leaders to create a holistic strategy that includes digital strategy.

Implement digital adoption platforms. Digital adoption platforms can automate essential digital transformation processes. A few include training, onboarding, and analysis of usage metrics. These platforms can offer significant boosts to user productivity, engagement, and software ROI.

These are just a few ways you can begin your digital transformation without hiring consultants.

However, never rule any option out without thoroughly examining it.

Start by performing an assessment of your digital needs, as mentioned above, and then make your decision.

In many cases, the best route involves a combination of the solutions mentioned here.

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A wonderful team of Digital Adoption, Digital Transformation & Change Management Experts.